So after searching Craigslist like a mad woman, I lined up some part-time job interviews and today I got offered a job at a restaurant named Kinkeads! From what I know of it so far, it's a very high end, well known, award winning seafood restaurant, so I'm excited for my first day tomorrow! I'm going to be a hostess, and will be working there Monday through Wednesday when I'm not at CBS...which means I'll be working every day of the week! I'm tired already just thinking about it, but I think it will be good for me to stay busy, and hopefully I can make some new friends at work! The restaurant is across the street from the World Bank, so I'm sure I will be meeting a lot of successful people from all over the world! It's also located near George Washington University, so it will be nice to be surrounded by so many young people!
I'm currently fighting a cold so I'm going to try to get to bed early so I can get better ASAP. No one likes a sick hostess!
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