Friday, May 25, 2012

Home Sweet Home!

I'm finally back in San Diego, and nothing feels better than falling asleep in my bed at home!  I've had a great couple of days back at home so far, which have included shopping with my mom, catching up on long overdue phone dates with friends, and getting together with old friends! I spent most of today studying for the TExES exam which I have to pass in order to teach in Texas, and it's definitely reminding me of how much I dislike multiple choice tests! I ordered a book from Barnes and Noble to help me prepare for the exam, and my mom and I will have plenty of time in the car on our roadtrip to go over practice test questions, such as the one below that I did not know the correct answer to until today:

Which of the following technologies had the greatest impact on the environment and the geography of agriculture in the U.S. Great Plains?

A. The cotton gin
B. The steel plow 
C. The telegraph 
D. The prairie schooner

If you're wondering, the answer is B.  I guessed A, and I still don't know what a prairie schooner is.

Tomorrow will be a fun-filled day of friend time...I get to hang out with my college roommate and bestie Jackie during the day, and hang out with my best friends from middle/high school Sierra and Morgan at night! I love being able to come home to San Diego and reunite with old friends, and am so glad we've all kept in touch over the years, despite how different all of our paths have been.

I leave for Texas in 7 days and I'm absolutely terrified, anxious, excited, nervous, and eager all at once.  I'm so thankful that I already know where and what I'm teaching, but not knowing who I'll meet, where I'll live after Institute, and what to expect is definitely nerve wrecking.  Not to mention, I'm not the best test taker and pretty much only have one opportunity to pass the TExES not passing is not an option!

Knowing my luck, the first question on my test will ask what a prairie schooner is.  And when it does, I'll be glad I googled it.

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