Sunday, February 24, 2013

I'm sorry miss!

On Friday, one of my students left school early and I needed him to get a tutorials form signed over the weekend.  While my students were silently working on a writing assignment, I asked to borrow a student's phone so I could call Todd (I will change his name for privacy purposes) and remind him to get the form signed.  Here is how the conversation went:

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Que pasa, pendejo?"
"Todd? This is Miss. Cooper."
"Who is this?"
"Miss Cooper."


He hung up.  I had an idea that pendejo was a bad word in Spanish, so I whispered to one of my trustworthy students and asked what it meant and her reaction was a loud gasp.  That was all I I called back.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hi Todd, it's Miss Cooper."
"Hi Miss. Cooper."
"Todd, you know I speak Spanish right?"
"......I'm sorry miss!"

After we hung up, I googled pendejo.  It means a-hole in Spanish.  Todd thought his friend was calling him, when in reality, it was his teacher on his friend's phone.  I couldn't help but laughing about the fact that my student unknowingly said "What's up a-hole" to his teacher.

Last week was mock STAAR testing and the pressure to get my students' scores up is on.  Only 2 weeks left until Spring Break, and I can't wait for a chance to catch my breath.  These past couple of weeks have been insanely busy, and I feel almost as overwhelmed as I did in the beginning of the school year.

At least I have funny moments like my students accidentally calling me an a-hole to look forward to.  

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